Midnight Drive
A dark synthwave pad.
This is a paraphonic patch. Use it to play 2 note block chords.
Keep the Mixer, VCF and Main levels bellow red. If the signal gets too overdriven oscillator beating will become more pronounced.
Add stereo chorus, reverb, etc.
Make Cascadia play paraphonically:
1: Switch Cascadia to Dual Mono mode. This is easiest to do in the Midi config app. If you want to do it without the computer, the instructions are on page 100 of the manual (As of version 1.4.1).
2: Set voice 1 and 2 to come from different Midi channels.
3: Voice 2’s pitch will come out of MIDI CC. Patch MIDI CC to VCO-B Pitch.
4: Switch VCO-B to ‘Pitch B’ and VCO.
5: Patch VCO-B Triangle to the Mixer.