Kick Self-oscillating

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This patch reproduces the kick you get on a typical dual-envelope fixed architecture monosynth. Separate envelopes simulate the different components of a kick drum: the batter head and the resonant head.

A kick drum’s batter head is struck by the beater of the kick pedal and produces the initial attack of the kick. The resonant head is located on the opposite side from the batter head. It is not typically struck but resonates in response to the vibrations from the batter head. The resonant head, producing the kick’s decay.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Self-Oscillating Filter: Set your filter to self-oscillate by turning Q all the way up.

  2. Short Envelope for Filter (Batter Head): Use a short envelope to modulate the filter cutoff. This envelope simulates the batter head of a kick drum, providing the initial punch and attack of the sound.

  3. Longer Envelope for VCA (Resonant Head): Use a longer envelope to control the VCA. This envelope simulates the resonant head of a kick drum, contributing to the decay and body of the sound.

  4. Velocity: Patch velocity to one of the filter FM inputs. Higher pitched notes will be brighter.


  • Low-Pass Filter (LP1 & 2): Try using the LP1 and 2 filter modes for a crunchier, more saturated sound. This can add more harmonic content and grit to the kick.

  • Soft Clipping: Toggle soft clipping on and off to hear the difference. Soft clipping can add warmth and subtle distortion.


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