Fuzzy Boards Lead

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A dusty Boards of Canada-esque lead patch.

This is a 3 oscillator patch.

1: ENV-B is being used as a 3rd oscillator. Set ENV-B to LFO mode, and use the Rate/Rise slider to tune it. Tune ENV-B 7 semitones higher than VCO-A. The tuning will probably wobble. This is good.

6: Tune VCO-A to C3. Tune VCO-B -7 semitones. Tune ENV-B +7 semitones.

2: Patch ENV-B to Mixer In-2.

3: Patch MIDI Pitch to slew, then mult the Slew to VCO-A Pitch, and ENV-B Rise. Turn the Rise Mod slider all the way up.

4: Switch VCO-B to Pitch A+B, and VCO.

5: Patch VCO-B Triangle to Mixer In-1.

7: Because ENV-B is being used as an oscillator, we’ll use ENV-A for the filter envelope. Patch ENV-A to VCF FM-1.

Also try LP1, LP2, LP4 Filter slopes.

Try tuning any 1 OSC an octave higher.


Dirty Rubbery Bass

