Basic Krell: 6 Versions

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6 Krell derived patches.

Use these as a jumping off point for your own explorations.

Basic Krell Variation 1:

The basic Krell formula:

Set ENV-B to be a repeating envelope.

Patch ENV-B EOF to S&H Trig.

Patch S&H to VCO-A pitch.

Patch separate LFOs into the rise and fall CVs.

Patch either S&H or VCO-B (as an LFO) into the LFO CV in.

For variation use the Sum, Ring Mod, and VCA-B to modulate the LFOs and S&H in different ways before going to the rise and fall.

Basic Krell Variation 2:

S&H is multed to control LFO Rate and VCO-A pitch.

LFO-Y and Z modulate ENV-B Rise and Fall.

For variation use the Sum, Ring Mod, and VCA-B to modulate the LFOs and S&H in different ways before going to the rise and fall.

Basic Krell Variation 3:

VCO-B is set to Pitch A+B and LFO so the S&H going into VCO-A modulates VCO-B.

VCO-B is modulating the Rate of the LFO.

LFO-X and Z are being summed then going to ENV-B Fall.

LFO-Y is going to ENV-B Rise.

Try: Summing LFO-X with a Unipolar LFO-Z.

Basic Krell Variation 4:

VCO-B is set to Pitch A+B and LFO so the S&H going into VCO-A modulates VCO-B.

VCO-B and LFO-Y go into the Ring Mod, then to ENV-B Fall.

LFO X and Z are summed then go to ENV-B Rise.

Try: Summing LFO-X with a Unipolar LFO-Z. Or, patching S&H to the LFO CV.

Basic Krell Variation 5:

Instead of a looping envelope, the LFO retriggers the envelope.

Has more space between notes. Adjust the LFOs and VCO-B to prevent the gaps from being too long.

Basic Krell Variation 6:

Envelope A is controlling the wave folder amount.


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